SDRs - cold email tips

Plus: bump emails and CTA's

Good day and happy Tuesday! If you’ve been enjoying our content, please help us out and share with a friend. This helps us to keep sharing content!

What’s on the agenda?

  • Tips from the top

  • Bump Emails

  • PitchFolio

  • 18 Minute Cold Call Course

  • Email CTA’s

  • Creative Tactic of the week

  • Additional Resources

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Tips from the top

This week’s tip from the top comes in the form of a LinkedIn post from Will Allred. Will is always sharing fantastic insights on LinkedIn. Be sure to like his post and give him a follow to support his content.

“The "AI SDR Effect"

We've hit a tipping point. Lavender just measured the strongest & fastest shift in cold email best practice data we've ever recorded.

Turns out... robots sound robotic. Buyer's have picked up on it. Now they're ignoring anything that sounds formal.

They're rewarding the stuff that sounds "human".

Dumb pipes don't know how to optimize, so I don't expect this to change anytime soon.

That said...

when it does... I expect a new equally strong shift.


1) Write like you talk. Then edit. (Lavender can help)

I posted some tips this morning to make that advice a little more concrete.

2) Expect more rapid shifts in the age of AI.

Your buyer's mental spam filter will not be defeated by ChatGPT wrappers.

PS. These graphs are built on best case scenario models (hence the high reply rates) to minimize other factors' creating noise in the signal.

Bump Emails

Bump emails can be a great way to get your emails back to the top of your prospect's inbox. But oftentimes these bump emails lack context and are repetitive, so prospects don't even look back to the initial email.

But by adding just one or two sentences in addition to the bump, we can get prospects curious, meaning they'll look back at the initial email that has more context. Here are a few ways to make your bump emails better:

1. Provide context in addition to the bump

Help the prospect answer "Why is this person reaching out?"

"any thoughts on this? Thought it would make sense because of XYZ"

Example: "Any thoughts on this? Thought it would make sense because I see you're publishing new blogs every week."

2. Share a 1 sentence story (make sure to be specific!)

Any thoughts on this? Reaching out because we just helped a different company do XYZ.

Example: "Any thoughts on this? Reaching out because we just helped a different shoe company reduce returns by 20% with a small change to XYZ."

3. Use a 3rd party Resource or piece of content (not from your company!)

By sharing a third-party resource, you’re reinforcing the idea of what you are saying with a neutral resource

Example: “Did you see the CEO of Company X wrote a blog about phone call deliverability? Given your focus on outbound, I thought you’d find it interesting. Here at ACME, we’ve got a big focus on this topic as well. Here’s the link.

By the way - any thoughts on my previous message?

To summarize: Bump emails are a great way to bring your initial email to the top while also providing context for why you're reaching out.

In partnership with: PitchFolio

Get more job offers with PitchFolio!

If you want more job offers in today's competitive job market, you've got to stand out in your job search.

Building a brag book with PitchFolio is one of the easiest ways to start standing out to hiring managers!

A brag book shares examples of your cold call scripts, examples of cold emails, your objection handling playbook, and everything else that makes you a top-performer.

Don't just tell hiring managers how you hit quota - show them!

18 Minute Cold Call Course

Jason Bay and the Sell Better team consistently share great content; this video is no different.

Check out this 18 Minute Cold Call Course for some no-nonsense and practical cold-calling tips.

Check it out!

Cold Emails CTA’s

Asking for time in a cold email is a big ask. Time is finite. That’s why we like asking for interest or for the right person. Here are a few ideas of how you can end your cold emails that are less of a heavy ask.

  • Think this would help?

  • Worth a conversation?

  • Is Bob be a better person to speak with about this?

  • Would this be valuable?

  • Does this sound interesting?

There’s no right or wrong way to do this, but our suggestion is to keep it short, casual, and interest-based.

Creative Tactic of the Week

This week’s creative tactic of the week comes yet again from Dale Dupree. Dale is consistently coming up with creative outreach ideas and this one is no different. Check out how he helped book a meeting with an exec from Bank of America.

Resources from Our Partners

  • RepVue: Worried you might be underpaid? Check out RepVue (it's free!). RepVue has tons of data on base salaries, OTE, quota attainment, product/market fit, and so much more. 

  • Skylar: Want to practice your cold calls? Try cold calling the Skylar AI bot (it's free)!  Think you can book a meeting with the bot? Try it out!